BESC Weblog

Bhawanipur Bytes


    Keep your Study Abroad Dreams Alive! On 13th June 2020, from 04:00 PM onwards, The Bhawanipur Education Society College, in collaboration with IDP Education, Kolkata was proud to present a webinar on managing students’ studying abroad dreams whilst the COVID -19 pandemic rampaged throughout the world. The esteemed speaker was Ms. Chandrani Mukherjee (Destination Manager, …

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  • History of Science, Science in History

    History of Science, Science in History

    A webinar on the study of History of Science entitled “History of Science, Science in History” was organised by the Department of Mathematics, The Bhawanipur Education Society College on 15.06.2020 from 12:00 noon. It was an online lecture by Prof. Syamal Chakrabarti, an eminent teacher of Chemistry in the University of Calcutta. Prof. Chakrabarti is …

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  • World Environment Day

    Commemorating World Environment Day with an Online Special Lecture: On 5th June 2020, the Environmental Development Committee organized an online special lecture on “Environment and Climate Concerns: Rethinking Education Strategies” to mark the occasion of World Environment Day. It was a privilege for the Committee to have as the speaker Dr. Duke Ghosh, Partner, Global …

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  • Meet Umang Somani – An Interactive Session on How To Crack M.B.A

    “The baggage of your past cannot determine your future.” The line quoted above is not just a blend of some mere words. These are the golden words of an average student who made an extraordinary achievement by not letting his “baggage” of not scoring well-enough in his 10th boards, make him hopeless. Rather, he channeled …

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  • Webinar on “Restarting the Indian Economy in the New Normal” with Nobel Laureate Dr.Abhijit Vinayak Banerjee

    CII along with The Bhawanipur College as the education partner is proud to present an opportunity to hear and converse with the Nobel Laureate Dr.Abhijit Vinayak Banerjee on , “Restarting the Indian Economy in the New Normal” along with eminent speakers on 22nd May, 2020 The impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on the global economy …

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  • Panel Discussion On Opportunities & Threat For Recruitment Post Covid- 19

    The Bhawanipur Education Society College (BESC) in association with Institute of Cost Accountants of India organized a Panel Discussion (webinar) on the topic “Opportunities & Threats in Recruitment Process Post Covid 19 Crisis”. The Special Guest of the Webinar was CMA Balwinder Singh, President with Dr. D.P Nandy, Senior Director of the Cost Accountant’s Institute. …

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  • Online Workshop on Micro-Fiction

    Have you ever wondered how could one actually write a story in just a few words or lines ? Well, on 18th May,2020 , The Bhawanipur Education Society College conducted a 3 hour online workshop which taught the attendees the method of crafting a story in just a few words. The speaker for the workshop …

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  • Design Thinking With Special Reference To Covid-19

    Have you ever designed something? Have you considered your customers thought process when he/she buys your product? Have you analysed how your product is treated at a customer’s house? Well I am sure the latter two are something we all never thought about. Not only did one student agree to this, but a full majority …

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    Date of The Event: 14th May, 2020 Platform: Zoom Meeting No. Of Students: 105 No. of Teachers: 7 The Bhawanipur Education Society College (BESC) organised a webinar on ” Understanding Efficient Deployment of Working Capital ” for providing an insight on the topic of Working Capital. The session was mentored by Prof. Dilip Shah, moderated …

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  • Lockdown, quarantine, and mental health

    The world has never witnessed a situation even remotely close to what it is going through now, locked down as it is. Naturally, the level mental, psychological stress is shooting through the stratosphere and especially vulnerable are young adults of the college going age who are not only being subjected to an inordinate amount of …

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  • So, you want to be a blogger?

    The Bhawanipur Education Society College (BESC) has always been in the forefront of the effort to provide tech-savvy education to its students. With a wired campus, electronically aided classes and a digitally inclusive faculty, BESC was therefore more than ready to make the transition to reach out to its students who were otherwise “locked down”, …

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  • Corporate Social Responsibility in post Covid19 scenario

    CSR is everywhere – there is no Corporate website or brochure or any communication matter that is bereft of the customary platitudes. There are laws mandating corporates to perform their Social Responsibilities (no that is not an oxymoron). There are professionals specialising in CSR matters. And there are the reports that speak of Corporate India …

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