Memorandum of Policies

BESC Rules & Regulations

The College attaches great importance to discipline and the same must be scrupulously observed by all its students. Failure to comply with the code of conduct will lead to strict disciplinary action.

Every bonafide student of the college must carry the college identity card at all times when he/she is on the campus or else will be fined Rs 510. Students not carrying valid identity cards may be refused entry into the college.
Students must read the general and classified notices uploaded on the college website noticeboard regularly. Ignorance of any information put up on the noticeboard will not be accepted as an excuse.
All correspondence with B.Com., B.A., B.Sc., B.B.A., M.Com. and M.A. departments should be addressed to the respective Vice-Principal, Coordinator or Head of the Department.
In all correspondence regarding students, it is necessary to mention the complete 10-digit UID issued by college along with the full name.
Money orders and letters addressed to students must be directed to their residence in the city and not to the college, else they will be returned to the remitter.
Those who wish to secure the Principal’s signature for issuance of certificates, attestation of true copies, etc. should approach the college ground-floor office (Room No 020) during designated office hours. Students must fill up and submit the relevant application form to the office, at least three working days in advance, to get such certificates.
Transfer Certificates will be issued from the Principal’s office. The students must fill up and submit the relevant application form to the office of the Principal, at least five working days in advance, to obtain the certificate.
At the time of final admission. All data uploaded online is required to be verified against original documents. If any of the data in the form is found in variation to data in original documents, then the admission shall be held null and void.
Management shall not be responsible for any typing error/omission, especially in the case of marks uploaded and the original mark sheet. No subsequent request for the same will be entertained for correction or reconsideration of admission/merit list, etc.
Students are warned not to use mobile phones, iPods, music systems or similar gadgets within the college premises. UNDER NO CIRCUMSTANCES should students use mobiles in the lecture hall, laboratory, classroom, examination hall or library. A student carrying/using mobile phones in such areas as notified will lead to confiscation of the phone and a fine of Rs 500.
Students must attend the lectures, practical/tutorials, workshops, etc. regularly and punctually.
Students must attend seminars, workshops and awareness programmes organised by the college.
The college does not have any designated parking area. The college takes no responsibility for the loss of vehicles. Good civic sense demands that cars and motorcycles are not parked on the pavement outside the college premises.
Railway/Air travel concessions will be issued only during Puja and summer vacations. Railway/Air travel concession forms will be issued by the office to the eligible students if the application to this effect is made reasonably well in advance to the office.
Excursions and picnics involving overnight stays are not allowed.
Access to the Sports Arena is strictly reserved against production of valid college ID cards and as per session timings.
During college class hours, no games, even in small groups, are to be played anywhere on the college premises.
Due respect must be given to the teachers, both inside and outside the classroom.
Talking loudly/shouting in classrooms, corridors, the library and the office, or anywhere within the college premises, is strictly prohibited.
Smoking, consumption of alcoholic drinks or chewing of pan masala and the use of narcotics is strictly prohibited in any part of the college, including the canteen.
Students are forbidden to address a class or write anything on the whiteboards/blackboards in the absence of a teacher.
The conduct of the students in the class and on the premises of the college should be such as to not cause disturbance to teachers, fellow students or other classes.
Students are to strictly maintain decorum and avoid the use of abusive language and indecent manner in all their interactions.
It is necessary for the students to attend Independence Day/Republic Day/Saraswati Puja/Annual Sports/College Foundation Day/ College Fest and other such important occasions.
Students must take proper care of college property. Any damage to college property will be considered a serious offence.
The cost of any damage (including graffiti on walls, destroying furniture, electrical fittings etc.) will be borne by those responsible for the damage. Disciplinary action will be taken against students damaging any college property.
The last person leaving a classroom should switch off the lights, fans, ACs, etc. Mindful use of electricity is the primary duty of every environment-conscious individual.
No student shall communicate any information to or write about any matters dealing with the college in the press, public domain or social media without prior written permission of the Principal/Teacher-in-Charge.
Any student who:
  • Is persistently insubordinate;
  • Is willfully mischievous;
  • Uses foul/abusive language;
  • Defaces walls or damages any property within the premises;
is likely to have an unwholesome effect on other students and be detrimental to the smooth and orderly conduct of the college; and if such a student is repeatedly found guilty of fraud/malpractices in tests/exams etc. the said student is liable to be expelled, either temporarily or permanently, depending on the nature and seriousness of the offence, or be denied admission to the succeeding year.
Students are required to dress decently and modestly when they come to college. Students whose dress does not comply with the code prescribed by the college will be denied entry to the college campus.
Students are answerable to the college authorities for their behaviour both inside and outside the college. Any misbehaviour on their part that, in any way, hinders orderly administration and discipline and any act of violence or vandalism will be sternly dealt with.
Demonstrations of any kind within the college premises are strictly prohibited.
Students should not leave their books, valuables and other belongings in the classrooms. The college is not responsible for lost property.
If for any reason, the continuance of a student in the college is detrimental, in the opinion of the Principal, to the best interests of the college, the Principal may ask the student to leave the college. The Principal’s decision shall be final.
No student will be allowed to take active part in politics and no political activity will be permitted on college premises.
Students are not allowed to invite any outsiders/friends to the college or to the college canteen.
If a student remains absent without prior permission/proper intimation for a long time, his/her name is liable to be removed from the college register and the college is not liable to send any intimation regarding the same to the concerned student or to his parent/guardian.
No student shall contribute or collect money for any reason without prior written consent from the Principal.
Matters not covered by the existing rules shall rest on the discretion of the Principal.
In all matters of discipline of the college, the Principal’s decision will be final and binding.
No poster is to be pasted or fixed with cellotape anywhere on the college walls without the permission of the concerned college authorities. For any writing on the walls, strict punishment will be imposed.

Ragging of any kind and magnitude inside/outside the college campus will not be tolerated and stringent disciplinary action will be taken accordingly.

Any incident of ragging must be brought to the immediate notice of the Principal/Vice-Principal/Head of Department. If a student is found to have indulged in ragging in the past, admission may be refused, or he/she may be expelled from the educational institution. Each student of the institute and his/her parent and/or guardian is required to submit a combined mandatory undertaking at the time of admission, in the format prescribed by the Honourable Supreme Court.

Examination regulations as per the norms of the University of Calcutta

The university will hold two examinations per year, one at the end of each semester, according to the following schedule:

  • Semester I, III & V: June
  • Semester II,IV & VI: December

The routine for the examination will be notified on the college website by the college as per university guidelines.

Eligibility norms for appearing in a university examination:

  • A candidate must attend at least 75% of the lectures delivered in the college during a single academic semester
  • Candidates with less than 60% attendance will be deemed dis-collegiate and will be debarred from appearing in the examinations
  • Candidate must fill-up relevant Calcutta University Examination forms
  • Payment of college fees as prescribed
The College shall notify students the date for filling in examination forms, in accordance with the dates specified by the university. Such notification will be published on the college website. The college will not be responsible for any student who fails to fill up the form within the stipulated period. The university schedule will have to be strictly followed in this regard.
Candidates will not be issued Admit Cards for examinations unless they meet all the requirements listed above.

Internal Assessment Test for all semesters will be conducted by the college and held as stipulated by the university:

  • Semester I, III & V: May
  • Semester II,IV & VI: November
Attendance regulations as per the norms of the University of Calcutta

Regular and punctual attendance is compulsory for every student of the college. As per University of Calcutta regulation, a student will be considered:

  1. “Non-collegiate” if his/her attendance in any subject/group of subjects falls short of 75% but not below 60%. Candidates declared non-collegiate may be allowed to fill in application forms for examination on payment of requisite non-collegiate fees as per University of Calcutta norms.
  2. “Dis-collegiate” if a candidate has not attended at least 60% of lectures delivered/practical classes held in any subject/group of subjects and shall be debarred from appearing in any examination as per Calcutta University norms. A list of attendance defaulters will be displayed on the noticeboard each month and also at the end of each term. A student who, for any reason whatsoever, is not able to attend college for at least 25% of the total number of working days in any given month, is liable for disciplinary action including his/her name being struck off from the college roll. A student whose attendance is unsatisfactory will not be granted terms, will not be permitted to appear for the examination and will not be granted admission to higher classes.
  3. College will strictly apply the university rules.
  4. If any student is absent without leave for 15 days or more, his/her name is liable to be struck off the rolls. This rule will be strictly adhered to and no relaxation will be made.
  5. In case of absence from the college under unavoidable circumstances, application for leave must be submitted to the Principal in writing within two working days of his/her joining, along with a letter from the Parent /Guardian giving reasons for the absence.

Letter of absence is to be written to the Teacher-in-Charge/Vice-Principal/Head of Department.

For absence longer than five days or five classes of a subject, a permission letter from the Vice-Principal/Head of Department needs to be obtained. After that, for every recurring long duration of absence, which could affect the required attendance percentage, it is the student’s responsibility to keep a duplicate of the permission letter submitted, with the Vice-Principal/Head of Department’s signature. Medical Certificates and the other relevant documents of illness may be submitted.

For Girls:

1. The students must come to college in clean and decent dress appropriate for college.

2. Writing on shirts or T-shirts may be scrutinized and action may follow.

3. Dress shorter than knee length, Shorts and Slit Skirts or dresses are not allowed.

4. “Off-Shoulder” or “tube tops” are strictly prohibited.

5. “Flip-flops” or “Hawaii Chappal” are not allowed except for Special reasons.

6. Torn or ripped jeans are strictly prohibited.

7. Loud hair colors & extreme hairstyles are not allowed.

For Boys:

1. The students must come to college in clean and decent dress appropriate for college.

2. Writing on shirts or T-shirts may be scrutinized and action may follow.

3. Only full-length trousers or jeans are recommended.

4. Torn or ripped jeans and track pants are prohibited.

5. “Flip-flops” or “Hawaii Chappal” are not allowed except for Special reasons.

6. Loud hair colors and extreme hairstyles are not allowed.

Follow the above tips and look the best!!