BESC | Administration
Administrative Structure

Dr. Sandip Dan
Secretary Governing Body

Dr. Subhabrata Gangopadhyay

Prof. Dilip Shah
Rector & Dean of Student Affairs

Dr. Samir Kanti Datta
Dean of Science Department

Dr. Pinki Saha Sardar
Vice Principal, Admin & Vice Principal, Science Department

Prof. Debjani Ganguly
Vice Principal, Arts Department

Prof. Saspo Chakraborty
Vice Principal, B.Com. (Afternoon & Evening Department)

Dr. Tridib Sengupta
Coordinator, BBA Department

Prof. Minakshi Chaturvedi
Vice Principal, B.Com. (Morning Department)

Prof. Paramita Chakravarty
Coordinator, M.Com. Department

Coordinator, M.A (English) Department

Prof. Sayan Roy
Coordinator, B.Com. (Afternoon & Evening Department)

Prof. Vivek Patwari
Coordinator, B.Com. (Morning Department)
BESC | Governance
Governing Body

Sri Rajnikant Dani
Chairman, ex-officio

Mr. Miraj D. Shah
Vice-Chairman, ex-officio

Mr. Pradip Sheth
Ex-officio Member

Dr. Sandip Dan

Dr. Subhabrata Gangopadhyay
Teacher In-Charge

Mr. Jogesh Shah
Donor Representative

Mr. Arvind Rupani
Donor Representative

Mr. Viren Mehta
Donor Representative

Mrs. Renuka Bhatt
Central Committee Nominee

Mrs. Nalini Parekh
Central Committee Nominee

Mr. Bharat Ajmera
Central Committee Nominee

Mr. Saspo Chakraborty
Teacher Representative

Dr. Pinki Saha Sardar
Teacher Representative

BESC | Committees
- Internal Complaints Committee
- Women’s Cell
- Environmental Development Committee
- Feedback and Survey Committee
- Placement Cell
- Research & Publication
- Library Committee
- Faculty Development Committee
- Swayam Committee
- College Annual Report Committee
- Examination Committee
- NAAC Steering Committee
- Academic Calendar Committee
- Anti-Ragging Cell