Placement Hall, 27th July, 2018. Dr Divyesh Shas, the moving spirit behind the NSS movement sending in its roots in the BESC campus inducted the new students who have opted to join the collective. Dr Shah began by explaining that the National Service Scheme (NSS) is an Indian Government sponsored public service program conducted under the aegis of the Ministry of Youth Affairs and Sports of the GOI. The Scheme was launched in the centenary year of the Father of the Nation, Mahatma Gandhi, in 1969 and aims at developing student personalities through community service. NSS is a voluntary association of young people in colleges, universities and at the + 2 level working for campus-community linkages.
He then proceeded to elaborate how the BESC has been running its own self-financed NSS unit since 2014 and spoke in detail about the various programs being conducted by the NSS unit of the college. It was then time for introducing the audience to the different activities of the BESC NSS unit, with Dr Shah taking the students through the
· Blood Donation Drive (a highwater mark in campus achievements),
· Jal Se Jeevan (the innovative and highly appreciated BESC response to water management as a bulwark against Climate Change and Global Warming),
· Magic Box (another BESC innovation that teaches not only the virtue of sharing with our less fortunate brethren but also seeks to impart invaluable life lessons to the recipients),
· Seva Sandwitch (a student’s initiative that is matched by the College spread smiles among the hungry)
· Sapling Plantation for every tree that we plant is a blessing for mankind
· Cleanliness Awareness Camps
Dr Shah also informed the audience about the forthcoming attractions for NSS – the Blood Donation Camp to celebrate the Nation’s Independence Day and the Medicine Donation Drive that is currently being organised in the college. He urged the students to stand up and be counted as a member of the NSS fraternity by participation in the medicine collection drive where all are encouraged to drop unused medicines, that are not otherwise expired, into the collection Boxes that have been placed in various points in the college. The medicines so collected will be handed over to concerned authorities so that they may be used to address the needs of those who cannot otherwise afford them.
Almost all the students participated in the programme.
“Performing Arts, Quiz, Fashion, International Affairs – The Bhawanipur Education Society College (BESC) has it all. Like they say, something for everyone, except all those of us, who love accounts” had rued one student who was not content with the window dressing and wanted to highlight his love for the subject and the highlight the …
On Tuesday, 28th April, 2015, NATIONAL SEMINAR on “CORPORATE GOVERNANCE AND BUSINESS ETHICS IN INDIAN BUSINESS ENVIRONMENT” was held, venue being the 6th Floor college auditorium. The seminar was organised by Research & Publication Cell, Post Graduate Department of Commerce in collaboration with Department of Commerce, University of Calcutta.
On 27th June 2020, an online reading session titled ‘Writing in the Time of Calamities’ (IQAC Approved) was organized by the English department of The Bhawanipur Education Society College in collaboration with its counterpart from Loreto College. The event was open to all the faculty members and students of the two colleges. Faculty members from …
They say the true measure of education is not “what” you know but “how you share with others” what you know. One of the key philosophies that the Student Share Skills collective stands by at The Bhawanipur Education Society College is acknowledging the art of sharing skills. On the 12th of December 2023 in the …
NSS Induction – Not Me but Thou!
Placement Hall, 27th July, 2018. Dr Divyesh Shas, the moving spirit behind the NSS movement sending in its roots in the BESC campus inducted the new students who have opted to join the collective. Dr Shah began by explaining that the National Service Scheme (NSS) is an Indian Government sponsored public service program conducted under the aegis of the Ministry of Youth Affairs and Sports of the GOI. The Scheme was launched in the centenary year of the Father of the Nation, Mahatma Gandhi, in 1969 and aims at developing student personalities through community service. NSS is a voluntary association of young people in colleges, universities and at the + 2 level working for campus-community linkages.
He then proceeded to elaborate how the BESC has been running its own self-financed NSS unit since 2014 and spoke in detail about the various programs being conducted by the NSS unit of the college. It was then time for introducing the audience to the different activities of the BESC NSS unit, with Dr Shah taking the students through the
· Blood Donation Drive (a highwater mark in campus achievements),
· Jal Se Jeevan (the innovative and highly appreciated BESC response to water management as a bulwark against Climate Change and Global Warming),
· Magic Box (another BESC innovation that teaches not only the virtue of sharing with our less fortunate brethren but also seeks to impart invaluable life lessons to the recipients),
· Seva Sandwitch (a student’s initiative that is matched by the College spread smiles among the hungry)
· Sapling Plantation for every tree that we plant is a blessing for mankind
· Cleanliness Awareness Camps
Dr Shah also informed the audience about the forthcoming attractions for NSS – the Blood Donation Camp to celebrate the Nation’s Independence Day and the Medicine Donation Drive that is currently being organised in the college. He urged the students to stand up and be counted as a member of the NSS fraternity by participation in the medicine collection drive where all are encouraged to drop unused medicines, that are not otherwise expired, into the collection Boxes that have been placed in various points in the college. The medicines so collected will be handed over to concerned authorities so that they may be used to address the needs of those who cannot otherwise afford them.
Almost all the students participated in the programme.
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