BESC Weblog

Bhawanipur Bytes

  • TEDx Hyderabad

    On the 13th and 14th of June, TEDxHyderabad organised a TEDx India Regional Workshop in Hyderabad. 10 Active TEDx licensees from all over the country were invited including TEDxBESC. The workshop was organised in collaboration with Infosys, who were generous enough to provide to all the attendees, accommodation, within their amazing campus and freedom to …

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  • Day Out With The Men in Purple

    TEAM KKR FLAGS OFF GOLDEN JUBLIEE CELEBRATIONS AT THE BHAWANIPUR EDUCATION SOCIETY COLLEGE! And yes, the college had done it. And in what style….every suggestion given by the students was executed to perfection! Who could have believed that 40 hours ago an event of this magnitude could have travelled from concept to conclusion. “The Bhawanipur College” of …

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  • Rabindranath Tagore’s 155th Birth Anniversary Celebration

    The Bengali Department of The Bhawanipur Education Society College celebrated the 155th birth anniversary of Rabindranath Tagore with a cultural programme on Saturday 14 May, 2016 from 10.30 am till 2pm at the 6th Floor College Auditorium.

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    On 5 th May 2016, the Boardroom of the Society witnessed a moment of pride as the prestigious Institute of Company Secretaries of India (a statutory body setup by the Act of parliament) scripted a memorandum of understanding with our college for a period of three years. The two bodies will join in to promote the cause of educational …

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  • Be-ites Badminton Tournament 2016

    After the successful completion of Be-ites Futsal Championship at the college turf, the college organised BBT i.e. BE-ites Badminton Tournament, a BESC intra college doubles, mix doubles and girls team badminton tournament. Inauguration of BBT was held on 23rd of April 2016. The tournament continued for 10 days involving 36 teams. Altogether 30 matches were played in this …

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  • BE-ites Futsal Championship

    After the successful completion of Be-ites Premier League indoor Cricket Tournament on the astroturf, the college organised BFC i.e. BE-ites Futsal Championship Trophy , a BESC intra college five – o – side indoor football tournament. BFC started on the 4th of April 2016  and continued for 9 days involving 34 teams.

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  • What is Model United Nations?

    United Nations, also known as Model UN or MUN, is an academic competition in which students typically roleplay delegates to the United Nations and simulates UN committees. In Bhawanipur College, Model United Nations is recognized as ‘Bhawanipur Education Society Assembly of Nations (BESC AON)”.

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  • Jadavpur University Model United Nations

    The BESC Assembly of Nations participated in the Jadavpur University Model United Nations. A delegation of 10 students who participated had an enriching and rewarding experience of nourishing their diplomacy, debating and negotiation skills. The three day experience with 18 hours of conference was a life-changing experience for all students. The students participated in various committees …

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  • T-20 finals screened live on giant led screen at the college turf

    On Sunday, the 3rd April 2016, the college had arranged for a live screening of “T20 World Cup” finals. The two countries contesting were England and West Indies and hence, the enthusiasm in the student community was missing. This was reflected in the limited attendance. However, those who had come were genuine cricket enthusiasts. A …

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  • Bhawanipur Entrepreneurship & Start up Training (BEST)

    Bhawanipur Entrepreneurship & Start up Training ( BEST ) organised its 4th session on 30th March at 10 a.m at the N.C.R auditorium . ​Students​ in huge number​ actively participated in this session solely dedicated to startups . The session began with Prof. Dilip Shah highlighting the impact of startups and their socio-economic contributions​. The …

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  • Innaugaration of be-ites futsal champion’s trophy 2016

    At 5:30pm on Monday the 4th April ’16, at the college turf, about 150 students along with staff members assembled for the opening of BFC Tournament. The evening started with handing over of gift hampers to the staff members in recognition of their services to the college.

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  • Fagun

    One of the major festivals of India, Holi is celebrated with enthusiasm and gaiety on the full moon day in the month of Fagun, like no other festival. It disregards differences and brings all sections of the society together into one fraternity. Hence, the students of The Bhawanipur College dedicated the pre-holi celebrations to the …

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