The Department of Commerce & Humanities of the Bhawanipur Education Society College organized a workshop on ‘The Implementation of New Syllabus for Humanities & Commerce as envisaged by Calcutta University against the backdrop of NEP 23’. The workshop began at 11.00 am on 17 August 2023 in the presence of Prof. Dilip Shah, Dean of Student Affairs who gave a welcome address to the guest speakers & the attendees. The workshop began with the felicitation of Prof (Dr) Dhruba Ranjan Dandapat, Chairman UG Board of Studies, Commerce (University of Calcutta) by Dr. Subhabrata Gangopadhyay, TIC, The BESC. Thereafter Mr. Debashis Biswas, Inspector of Colleges (University of Calcutta) was felicitated by Dr. Sandeep Dan, Secretary and thereby began the deliberations on the ‘New syllabus as provided by NEP 23’
Mr. Debashish Biswas initiated the session by explaining in detail about the four-year course of BA/BSC as part of Humanities. He explained CCF, the Curriculum & Credit Framework which has been added by the UGC, and how it is divided into two main parts, the Core subjects, and Minor subjects, along with SEC (Skill Enhancement Courses), IDC (Interdisciplinary courses), AEC (Ability Enhancement Courses, CVAC (Common Value-Added Course). Further, Dr. Debasis elaborated on the credits & levels of the courses the students opt for. He gave an insight into the multiple entry & exit that a student can opt for during their UG within a period of 7 years. Overall, for the faculties of Humanities, the workshop ended at 1.00 pm which was then followed by lunch at Valia Hall.
The second half of the workshop began at 1.30 pm with Dr. Dhub R. Dandapat, as the speaker, who explained in detail the changes in the syllabus in Commerce. The faculties present were constantly engaging in questions & answers related to the syllabus change. The exam modality of Commerce was also in discussion where it was addressed that the preference would be given to the subjective mode of exams. On discussing the element of Research in Commerce syllabus to be introduced in the 4th semester it was informed to the faculties, the choice of research will be given to those who secure more than 75%. The workshop also saw an interactive session where the faculties got inputs to all their queries.
Towards the end of the session, the facilitators of the workshop praised the college infrastructure for being completely equipped, while they also informed how the syllabus change in the NEP is considered considering both rural & urban colleges. With a footfall of about 90 faculty members who participated, the workshop reached its culmination where the facilitators were thanked by all the faculties present.
“You do not have to control your thoughts. You just have to stop letting them control you.” – Daniel Jay Millman With increasing awareness of mental health in present times, The Bhawanipur Education Society College opened its door to yet another initiative by Maybelline New York in collaboration with Yuvaa to start an active conversation …
The Weather was Perfect. The college turf arena was barricaded with fences. Professors paced around the corridors dressed in sports jersey. Though it was a Sunday, the campus was noisy and beaming with liveliness. It isn’t difficult to figure out what’s being spoken of here. It’s none other than the most awaited tournament of the …
Prof Shagata Mukherjee from the Megnath Desai Academy of Economics was in the college to discuss micro finance – its efficacies as a tool for taking economic development to the bottom of the pyramid. A highly decorated economist and an academician, Prof Mukherjee is an alumnus of the Presidency College Calcutta and JNU New Delhi. …
On 10th March, The Bhawanipur Education Society College organised a language proficiency event for be-ites. The session began around 10:30 am. Priyamvada Agarwal, Manish Goyal and Sayantan Ghoshal came as the chief guest who were the in-charge at the prestigious institutions for IELTS and TOEFL preparation respectively. The event was divided into two slots 10:30am-1pm …
Workshop on ‘Implementation of New Syllabus for Humanities & Commerce’ as per NEP 2020
The Department of Commerce & Humanities of the Bhawanipur Education Society College organized a workshop on ‘The Implementation of New Syllabus for Humanities & Commerce as envisaged by Calcutta University against the backdrop of NEP 23’. The workshop began at 11.00 am on 17 August 2023 in the presence of Prof. Dilip Shah, Dean of Student Affairs who gave a welcome address to the guest speakers & the attendees. The workshop began with the felicitation of Prof (Dr) Dhruba Ranjan Dandapat, Chairman UG Board of Studies, Commerce (University of Calcutta) by Dr. Subhabrata Gangopadhyay, TIC, The BESC. Thereafter Mr. Debashis Biswas, Inspector of Colleges (University of Calcutta) was felicitated by Dr. Sandeep Dan, Secretary and thereby began the deliberations on the ‘New syllabus as provided by NEP 23’
Mr. Debashish Biswas initiated the session by explaining in detail about the four-year course of BA/BSC as part of Humanities. He explained CCF, the Curriculum & Credit Framework which has been added by the UGC, and how it is divided into two main parts, the Core subjects, and Minor subjects, along with SEC (Skill Enhancement Courses), IDC (Interdisciplinary courses), AEC (Ability Enhancement Courses, CVAC (Common Value-Added Course). Further, Dr. Debasis elaborated on the credits & levels of the courses the students opt for. He gave an insight into the multiple entry & exit that a student can opt for during their UG within a period of 7 years. Overall, for the faculties of Humanities, the workshop ended at 1.00 pm which was then followed by lunch at Valia Hall.
The second half of the workshop began at 1.30 pm with Dr. Dhub R. Dandapat, as the speaker, who explained in detail the changes in the syllabus in Commerce. The faculties present were constantly engaging in questions & answers related to the syllabus change. The exam modality of Commerce was also in discussion where it was addressed that the preference would be given to the subjective mode of exams. On discussing the element of Research in Commerce syllabus to be introduced in the 4th semester it was informed to the faculties, the choice of research will be given to those who secure more than 75%. The workshop also saw an interactive session where the faculties got inputs to all their queries.
Towards the end of the session, the facilitators of the workshop praised the college infrastructure for being completely equipped, while they also informed how the syllabus change in the NEP is considered considering both rural & urban colleges. With a footfall of about 90 faculty members who participated, the workshop reached its culmination where the facilitators were thanked by all the faculties present.
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