On the auspicious occasion of Vijay Diwas, the NCC cadets of The Bhawanipur College along with our Dean Prof Dilip Shah had gathered to pay homage to our first CDS Gen. Bipin Rawat and the brave hearts who lost their life in the tragic Helicopter Crash on 8th of December 2021. We are deeply saddened to know that Group Captain Varun Singh succumbed to the injuries sustained in the helicopter incident on 15th December. Candles were lit and also flowers were offered in remembrance of our brave officers. The NCC Cadets and the other students at our college also joined to pay respect to the brave hearts of India. This is a national loss, and we all are deeply saddened for this unfortunate incident. They will always remain in our heart and remembered by the whole nation.
The Department of Chemistry of The Bhawanipur Education Society College was taken an initiative to organize an online talk on the Ethics of Science. Ethics is a very important aspect of our daily life as well as in the scientific world. According to Edwin Grant Conklin, “Ethics has been well called the religion of science.”Scientific …
“My life had been a constant struggle against my mother forcing sandwiches down my throat, to the extent that I grew a terrible aversion to them. Yes, I hated them, till I took part in the Seva Sandwich programme last year, when I realised what that one sandwich means to the hungry” said a first …
On Tuedsay, September 17, 2019, Dona Ganguly and Karan Vora, from the Political Science department, took 17 students of The Bhawanipur Education Society College to participate in the Youth Parliament Competition and Quiz Contest Programme organized by the Ministry of Parliamentary Affairs and Department of Higher Education, Government of West Bengal. The proceedings …
A new phase of Bhawanipur named AIESEC Bhawanipur a student exchange program was introduced in our college on the 7th of October in the college auditorium. Prof Dilip Shah introduced what AIESEC is all about and also introduced the two speakers for the following program, Mr. Mal and Mr. Zubin Rashid.
Vijay Diwas 2021
On the auspicious occasion of Vijay Diwas, the NCC cadets of The Bhawanipur College along with our Dean Prof Dilip Shah had gathered to pay homage to our first CDS Gen. Bipin Rawat and the brave hearts who lost their life in the tragic Helicopter Crash on 8th of December 2021. We are deeply saddened to know that Group Captain Varun Singh succumbed to the injuries sustained in the helicopter incident on 15th December. Candles were lit and also flowers were offered in remembrance of our brave officers. The NCC Cadets and the other students at our college also joined to pay respect to the brave hearts of India. This is a national loss, and we all are deeply saddened for this unfortunate incident. They will always remain in our heart and remembered by the whole nation.
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The Department of Chemistry of The Bhawanipur Education Society College was taken an initiative to organize an online talk on the Ethics of Science. Ethics is a very important aspect of our daily life as well as in the scientific world. According to Edwin Grant Conklin, “Ethics has been well called the religion of science.”Scientific …
Seva Sandwich
“My life had been a constant struggle against my mother forcing sandwiches down my throat, to the extent that I grew a terrible aversion to them. Yes, I hated them, till I took part in the Seva Sandwich programme last year, when I realised what that one sandwich means to the hungry” said a first …
Kolkata District Youth Parliament Competition
On Tuedsay, September 17, 2019, Dona Ganguly and Karan Vora, from the Political Science department, took 17 students of The Bhawanipur Education Society College to participate in the Youth Parliament Competition and Quiz Contest Programme organized by the Ministry of Parliamentary Affairs and Department of Higher Education, Government of West Bengal. The proceedings …
AIESEC Bhawanipur
A new phase of Bhawanipur named AIESEC Bhawanipur a student exchange program was introduced in our college on the 7th of October in the college auditorium. Prof Dilip Shah introduced what AIESEC is all about and also introduced the two speakers for the following program, Mr. Mal and Mr. Zubin Rashid.