Rangoli, also known as Kolam or Muggu, is a folk art from India in which patterns are created on the floor in living rooms or courtyards using materials such as colored rice, dry flour, colored sand or flower petals . The Rangoli competition was held on the Valia Hall.
The competition was judged by Mr. Arvinder Kaur. The theme for the event was birds of India. Eight colleges sent our two participants each to showcase their artistic flair. The golden rule of the event was simple- no permanent colours were to be used. It was truly a spectacular event to watch, we hope to see more creative Rangoli in the upcoming years of Umang.
“Books do not get jealous if you read other books”- Anonymous Reading book is both a custom and an aesthetic. It links us to human fate and predicament, of what happened in the Classical Antiquity to as much as those of the modern era, and whatever came between the two. It is in reading, that …
The Department of English organised an Alumni Meet in the Jubilee Hall from 11a.m. on 23.09.2023. More than 120 former students of the department attended the event. The present students of the department made it memorable with their cultural performances. The programme continued till the evening as the former students shared their experiences with their juniors. …
RJ Jimmy Tangree of 91.5 Friends FM is a celebrity if ever there was one in Kolkata. He started his career, when he was still in college by changing cassettes in the weekend discos organised for the members in the Calcutta Swimming Club. The year was 1984, way before most that comprise his current audience …
Confero is an annual cultural fest organised by IMI. It hosts 11 events which includes Cultural Events such as Messy Doodle Galaxy Doodling, Ramp on Space – Fashion Show, SpaceSteppers- Group dance,Big Bang Zaika- MasterChef, Natak Mandal-NukkadNatak, Transformation Station- Best Out of Waste and Management events such as Cosmo quest, Opstimum, Prarambh-B-Plan Challenge, Rann Kaushal, …
Umang 2014: Rangoli
Rangoli, also known as Kolam or Muggu, is a folk art from India in which patterns are created on the floor in living rooms or courtyards using materials such as colored rice, dry flour, colored sand or flower petals . The Rangoli competition was held on the Valia Hall.
The competition was judged by Mr. Arvinder Kaur. The theme for the event was birds of India. Eight colleges sent our two participants each to showcase their artistic flair. The golden rule of the event was simple- no permanent colours were to be used. It was truly a spectacular event to watch, we hope to see more creative Rangoli in the upcoming years of Umang.
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