The Bhawanipur Education Society College organized a Seminar on “How to be Healthy and Stress Free!” on the 20th of March 2015 at the college 2nd floor auditorium.
The seminar was conducted under the NSS unit of the college initiated by the Teacher In-charge of the NSS Unit Prof. SoumendraLahawho highlighting on the word Stress being commonly used by all of us.He explained Stress being a physical, mental and emotional response to a challenging event — not the event itself. Often referred to as the “fight-or-flight-or-freeze” reaction, the stress response occurs automatically when we feel threatened. Stress, whether positive or negative, is a normal part of everyone”s life. Negative stress, however, diminishes our quality of life.
It was followed by the Vice Principal, Commerce Dr. Sreekumar Ray who spoke on the various Stress management approaches to help us deal better with stress and adversity. This included problem-solving, prioritization and time management.Also enhancing skills to withstand adverse situations by improving emotional flexibility, finding greater meaning in life, increasing the sense of control and cultivating optimism.Practice relaxing techniques, such as deep breathing, yoga, meditation, tai chi, exercise and prayer. Improving personal relationships is an important component of stress management.
Stress management can help us lead a more balanced, healthier life. When channeled positively, stress can lead to growth, action and change.
Prof Dilip Shah, Dean of Students Affairs accentuated on how to recognize when your stress levels are out of control. The most dangerous thing about stress is how easily it can creep up on you. You get used to it and don”t notice how much it”s affecting us, even as it takes a heavy toll.
The signs and symptoms of stress overload can be almost anything frommoodiness , irritability or short temper,agitation, inability to relax, sense of loneliness and isolation, depression or general unhappiness leading to indulgence into alcohol, hookah, cigarettes, or drugs to relax. Bearing serious mental and physical health problems, it can also take a toll on our relationships at home, work, and school.
The Seminar was followed by an interactive session with the students, who came up with slogans on stress and health awareness.
It ended up with a group discussion bringing out views of the students on the topic, what are their Stress causes? How do they deal with them? How effective do they find their coping mechanism? The Best Speakers were awarded.
Date of the activity: 24.02.2024 Time: 10am- 6pm No. of Participants: 5 The objective of the event: To feed stray dogs and distribute reflective collars from Kolkata to Bolpur National Highway. Brief description of the event: On February 24, 2024, a collaborative effort between The BESC and FurrFolks resulted in the successful distribution of 200 …
The BESC NSS unit conducted a cleanliness drive during the Swachhata Hi Seva Campaign from September 19th to October 2nd, 2024. The campaign aimed to promote cleanliness and raise awareness about the importance of sanitation and waste management. Duration: September 19th to October 2nd,2024 Number of Volunteers: 100 Areas Covered: ● Padmapukur ● Minto Park …
The Bhawanipur Education Society College celebrated Saraswati Puja on the 5th of February from 9AM onwards. Goddess Saraswati is the deity of knowledge, learning, arts, music and language. This day is very important in the life of all those who are associated with these verticals. The celebration was a string of apt and pleasant events …
“Words are powerful,they can create or they can destroy. So choose your words wisely.” The Department of Management of TheBhawanipur Education Society College today inaugurated the first ever scrabble competition. A total number of 40 students participated comprising of 1st, 2nd and 3rd years. The partakers exhibited zest of competitive spirit. This game is an …
Seminar on ‘How To Be Healthy and Stress Free’
The Bhawanipur Education Society College organized a Seminar on “How to be Healthy and Stress Free!” on the 20th of March 2015 at the college 2nd floor auditorium.
The seminar was conducted under the NSS unit of the college initiated by the Teacher In-charge of the NSS Unit Prof. SoumendraLahawho highlighting on the word Stress being commonly used by all of us.He explained Stress being a physical, mental and emotional response to a challenging event — not the event itself. Often referred to as the “fight-or-flight-or-freeze” reaction, the stress response occurs automatically when we feel threatened. Stress, whether positive or negative, is a normal part of everyone”s life. Negative stress, however, diminishes our quality of life.
It was followed by the Vice Principal, Commerce Dr. Sreekumar Ray who spoke on the various Stress management approaches to help us deal better with stress and adversity. This included problem-solving, prioritization and time management.Also enhancing skills to withstand adverse situations by improving emotional flexibility, finding greater meaning in life, increasing the sense of control and cultivating optimism.Practice relaxing techniques, such as deep breathing, yoga, meditation, tai chi, exercise and prayer. Improving personal relationships is an important component of stress management.
Stress management can help us lead a more balanced, healthier life. When channeled positively, stress can lead to growth, action and change.
Prof Dilip Shah, Dean of Students Affairs accentuated on how to recognize when your stress levels are out of control. The most dangerous thing about stress is how easily it can creep up on you. You get used to it and don”t notice how much it”s affecting us, even as it takes a heavy toll.
The signs and symptoms of stress overload can be almost anything frommoodiness , irritability or short temper,agitation, inability to relax, sense of loneliness and isolation, depression or general unhappiness leading to indulgence into alcohol, hookah, cigarettes, or drugs to relax. Bearing serious mental and physical health problems, it can also take a toll on our relationships at home, work, and school.
The Seminar was followed by an interactive session with the students, who came up with slogans on stress and health awareness.
It ended up with a group discussion bringing out views of the students on the topic, what are their Stress causes? How do they deal with them? How effective do they find their coping mechanism? The Best Speakers were awarded.
Stop Stressing, Start Living!
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