The Internal Quality Assurance Cell of The Bhawanipur Education Society College organised a workshop on Mentoring Techniques for Teachers on 09 September, 2019. The workshop was conducted in two sessions of two and half hours duration each. The purpose was to generate awareness amongthe college faculty-cum-mentor about the principles of mentorship.
The workshop was conducted by Ms Salony Priya, Director, UMMEED Counselling and Consultancy Services. Ms Priya was assisted by a four-member team that includedtwo senior counsellors from Ummeed – Ms Anasuya Dasgupta and Ms Nikita Jalan and two trainees. The focus of the workshop was to acquaint the faculty regarding the necessity of mentorship for adolescent students who are a major stakeholder in an undergraduate college. Under the changing education system in India, mentorship has emerged as animportant focus area for all educators. The objective of mentorship is to guide young minds as they traverse from childhood to being young adults, encountering on the way an often confusing but a somewhat amazing gamut of emotions and relationship experiences.
Using ICT presentations Ms Priya and her team conveyed the importance of listening to and discerning the speech nuances and body languages of mentees. The team used real life examples – culled from their vast experience in the field of counselling, to convey their points to the faculty. An interactive game was organised where some of the participating faculty enacted a range of human emotions which the rest of the audience had to identify. The aim of this exercise was to emphasize the huge range of emotions that a single human being experiences and how to recognize that emotion and step in if a student is in any form of emotional upheaval. The mentor is often the first point of contact, outside the mentee’s family, whom a student might approach in times of emotional stress. The art of good mentoring is to understand and empathize with this often tentative approach of the mentee and to reach out and counsel the child if possible. Otherwise the job the of the mentor is to guide the child to experienced counsellors who will provide the necessary support at the time of his/ her stress. The faculty found the information provided by the team Ummeed highly informative and valuable.
Feed back of BCS Session at Bhawanipur Education Society College
1.“I think I will be using the information learnt in today’s session,this type of
workshop should be conducted as it is really required and is really helpful for me
rather us”.
-Luxmi Jha
2.“yes, I will try to use this in my practical life,hoping more of such intriguing
workshops in future. Such workshops are very inform able and always act as
useful guides in our mentoring exercise, making it more effective.”
-Kushal Kanti Majumdar
3.“I will try to use such information as I think that listening is important,be willing to
accept people instead of judging them,being available, communication is the key,
also please conduct such sessions regularly, not just for teachers but for the non
teaching staff as well”
-Rebecca Gasper
4. “I learn role of empathy as a mentor,being a good listener, ability for improving
mental health for mentees. I think so I will be able to use this information further,
we can have more of such workshops for overall well being of the mentees.
-Joyeta Bhadury
5.“I learnt about the suicide prevention, active listening, identification of emotions,
please do share about the slides, nonetheless, thank you for the brilliant session.”
-Karan Vora
6.“I learnt how to interact with the mentee, to become a good listener and to
motivate our mentees and please keep coming to us we shall need your guidance”
-Dr. Urmi Mukherjee
7.“I have to be a good listener, good speaker learn proper nurturing and more
sessions are required to us for our mentorship”
-Rajesh Kr. Shaw
8.“I learnt how to address issues of students, improving my listening skills, to
understand emotions. If a mock counseling session can be show would be of
great help”
-Gargi GuhaNiyogi
9.“I have learnt how to help students in their need, listen to them first and to be alert
to find out any problem relating to my students, I will use the information for my
future and expecting more sessions like this”
-Toseema Dey
10.“I learnt how to interact with mentees regarding studies, career, personal
development, mental health etc., the session should be uploaded in youtube so
that many people can access all over the world.”
-Utsab Mukherjee
11.“good listening abilities by welcoming students with an open mind, some type of
session should be done with the students so that they will come forward willingly
to discuss their problems”
-Debarati Guha
12.“there should be workshops directly with students. I can try to foster my learning
as a mentor on my mentees”
-Chiranjib Mitra
13.“yes, obviously, it is good and learning experience, at the same time motivating
and understanding our students, family, friends better. We should also have the
sense of coherence and help the students come out of the problem.”
-Neha Mundhra
14.“giving positive feedback, to not write off somebody at face value, shifting
context–all these are my learning outcomes. I ll be able to use information in my
current profession. Society at large has the tendency of labeling things as black
or white, right or wrong. Its time adults woke up to the feet that there is a lot
more grey that we need to acknowledge. If we could have a workshop where
adults could be awakened to perspectives, where adult comprehend, that children
are no tright or wrong as such but its their response to a situation, itwould really
-Arundhati Majumdar
15.“we should be listening to the children who are seeking some sort of help and
attention, we should motivate our mentees, we should never superficially judge
people based on their primary behavior fact. Please keep coming to us very often.
We need your guidance and counseling”
– DrDyuti Sinha
Department: Economics Date: 10th January 2025 Time: 10:30 A.M. to 4:00 P.M. Venue: The BES College, 2nd Floor Auditorium (Society Hall) Participants: 3 resource-persons, 25 students and 4 faculty members. On 10th January 2025, the Department of Economics of The Bhawanipur Education Society College hosted a National Seminar on Climate Change: A Global Wake-Up Call …
An International Webinar on Graphics was organized by the Department of English, The Bhawanipur Education Society College on Tuesday (07.12.2021) from 6 p.m. to 8.30 p.m. for the Undergraduate and Postgraduate students of the Department of English. The occasion was graced by two speakers of eminence in the area of graphics and illustration – Dr. …
With Covid Around How Should I ‘Live and Let Live’ – that was the title of a webinar organized by the Department of Mathematics of The Bhawanipur Education Society college on 17th July, 2020, 6:00 PM onwards. The webinar was the need of the day. Dr. Abhijit Chowdhury, a renowned Gastroenterologist and a member of …
Fierce competition in today’s global markets, the introduction of products with thwarted life cycles, and the sky high expectations of customers have forced business enterprise to invest in, and focus attention on, their supply chains. This, together with continuing advances in communications and transportation technologies (e.g., mobile communication, Internet, and overnight delivery), has motivated the …
IQAC organized workshop on Mentoring Techniques
Date: 09 September, 2019
Venue: Society Hall (2nd Floor)
Time: Session 1 (14:00 hrs – 17:00 hrs)
Session 2 (17:00 hrs – 20:00 hrs)
The Internal Quality Assurance Cell of The Bhawanipur Education Society College organised a workshop on Mentoring Techniques for Teachers on 09 September, 2019. The workshop was conducted in two sessions of two and half hours duration each. The purpose was to generate awareness amongthe college faculty-cum-mentor about the principles of mentorship.
The workshop was conducted by Ms Salony Priya, Director, UMMEED Counselling and Consultancy Services. Ms Priya was assisted by a four-member team that includedtwo senior counsellors from Ummeed – Ms Anasuya Dasgupta and Ms Nikita Jalan and two trainees. The focus of the workshop was to acquaint the faculty regarding the necessity of mentorship for adolescent students who are a major stakeholder in an undergraduate college. Under the changing education system in India, mentorship has emerged as animportant focus area for all educators. The objective of mentorship is to guide young minds as they traverse from childhood to being young adults, encountering on the way an often confusing but a somewhat amazing gamut of emotions and relationship experiences.
Using ICT presentations Ms Priya and her team conveyed the importance of listening to and discerning the speech nuances and body languages of mentees. The team used real life examples – culled from their vast experience in the field of counselling, to convey their points to the faculty. An interactive game was organised where some of the participating faculty enacted a range of human emotions which the rest of the audience had to identify. The aim of this exercise was to emphasize the huge range of emotions that a single human being experiences and how to recognize that emotion and step in if a student is in any form of emotional upheaval. The mentor is often the first point of contact, outside the mentee’s family, whom a student might approach in times of emotional stress. The art of good mentoring is to understand and empathize with this often tentative approach of the mentee and to reach out and counsel the child if possible. Otherwise the job the of the mentor is to guide the child to experienced counsellors who will provide the necessary support at the time of his/ her stress. The faculty found the information provided by the team Ummeed highly informative and valuable.
Feed back of BCS Session at Bhawanipur Education Society College
1.“I think I will be using the information learnt in today’s session,this type of
workshop should be conducted as it is really required and is really helpful for me
rather us”.
-Luxmi Jha
2.“yes, I will try to use this in my practical life,hoping more of such intriguing
workshops in future. Such workshops are very inform able and always act as
useful guides in our mentoring exercise, making it more effective.”
-Kushal Kanti Majumdar
3.“I will try to use such information as I think that listening is important,be willing to
accept people instead of judging them,being available, communication is the key,
also please conduct such sessions regularly, not just for teachers but for the non
teaching staff as well”
-Rebecca Gasper
4. “I learn role of empathy as a mentor,being a good listener, ability for improving
mental health for mentees. I think so I will be able to use this information further,
we can have more of such workshops for overall well being of the mentees.
-Joyeta Bhadury
5.“I learnt about the suicide prevention, active listening, identification of emotions,
please do share about the slides, nonetheless, thank you for the brilliant session.”
-Karan Vora
6.“I learnt how to interact with the mentee, to become a good listener and to
motivate our mentees and please keep coming to us we shall need your guidance”
-Dr. Urmi Mukherjee
7.“I have to be a good listener, good speaker learn proper nurturing and more
sessions are required to us for our mentorship”
-Rajesh Kr. Shaw
8.“I learnt how to address issues of students, improving my listening skills, to
understand emotions. If a mock counseling session can be show would be of
great help”
-Gargi GuhaNiyogi
9.“I have learnt how to help students in their need, listen to them first and to be alert
to find out any problem relating to my students, I will use the information for my
future and expecting more sessions like this”
-Toseema Dey
10.“I learnt how to interact with mentees regarding studies, career, personal
development, mental health etc., the session should be uploaded in youtube so
that many people can access all over the world.”
-Utsab Mukherjee
11.“good listening abilities by welcoming students with an open mind, some type of
session should be done with the students so that they will come forward willingly
to discuss their problems”
-Debarati Guha
12.“there should be workshops directly with students. I can try to foster my learning
as a mentor on my mentees”
-Chiranjib Mitra
13.“yes, obviously, it is good and learning experience, at the same time motivating
and understanding our students, family, friends better. We should also have the
sense of coherence and help the students come out of the problem.”
-Neha Mundhra
14.“giving positive feedback, to not write off somebody at face value, shifting
context–all these are my learning outcomes. I ll be able to use information in my
current profession. Society at large has the tendency of labeling things as black
or white, right or wrong. Its time adults woke up to the feet that there is a lot
more grey that we need to acknowledge. If we could have a workshop where
adults could be awakened to perspectives, where adult comprehend, that children
are no tright or wrong as such but its their response to a situation, itwould really
-Arundhati Majumdar
15.“we should be listening to the children who are seeking some sort of help and
attention, we should motivate our mentees, we should never superficially judge
people based on their primary behavior fact. Please keep coming to us very often.
We need your guidance and counseling”
– DrDyuti Sinha
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