A field trip was organized by the Departments of Sociology and Political Science for the students of semester 5 and 3, respectively, on December 03, 2022. A total number of 80 students accompanied by 14 teachers visited 3 museums of Kolkata—Swami Vivekananda’s ancestral home, Raja Rammohan Roy’s ancestral home and Rabindranath Tagore’s ancestral home. As a part of the course work on research Methods, the students learnt about the significance of Museum in Sociological research. They participated in the 3D show on Swami Vivekananda’s ancestral home on his speech in the Parliament of Religion in Chicago, 1893. They learnt about Swamiji’s contribution in establishing the Ramakrishna Mission and their social services. They took note of the scholarly contributions and role in the national freedom movement of Vivekananda’s younger brother Bhupendranath Dutta. In Raja Rammohan Ray’s home the students came to learn about the Brahmo Samaj, its establishment and ideas of Monotheism. The students were also explained about Ray’s contribution in the Abolition of Sati Act (1929) and his pioneering role in press and individual freedom in India. In Tagore’s house Jorashanko, the students learnt about the international recognition of Rabindranath Tagore as a champion of humanity and human rights. Beyond his contributions as a literary figure, Tagore’s view in the aftermath of the First World War, in the national struggle for Independence were also discussed. The students were informed about his interrogations with Gandhi and Einstein and their significance about civilizations and progress. This field trip was essentially relevant for the students as it was an extension of their theoretical experiences.
The Department of Political Science organized a Award Distribution Ceremony for the students of Semester VI to recognise their achievements in all types of academic and disciplinary activities during the semester on May 29, 2023, at Jubilee Hall. The proceedings of the prize distribution program were conducted by Amala Dhandhania, Associate Professor, Department of Political …
Category of the Activity (Extension/Outreach/Environmental): Outreach Organizing unit: NSS Date/ duration of the activity: 10.08.2024 Time: 10am- 1pm No. of Participants: 9 Objective of the event: The workshop aimed to develop skills and promote bonding among the children. Brief description of the event: The workshop began with a brief introduction by Ms. Tibrewal, who explained …
Prof Parimal Merchant is a Director in the SP Jain Institute of Management, one of the most sought-after sanctuaries for getting entry into the coveted world of MBA’s. That the Mumbai based institute has campuses in Dubai, Singapore and Sydney being vindication enough of its stature and popularity among student fraternity. However, is it not …
Field Trip report
A field trip was organized by the Departments of Sociology and Political Science for the students of semester 5 and 3, respectively, on December 03, 2022. A total number of 80 students accompanied by 14 teachers visited 3 museums of Kolkata—Swami Vivekananda’s ancestral home, Raja Rammohan Roy’s ancestral home and Rabindranath Tagore’s ancestral home. As a part of the course work on research Methods, the students learnt about the significance of Museum in Sociological research. They participated in the 3D show on Swami Vivekananda’s ancestral home on his speech in the Parliament of Religion in Chicago, 1893. They learnt about Swamiji’s contribution in establishing the Ramakrishna Mission and their social services. They took note of the scholarly contributions and role in the national freedom movement of Vivekananda’s younger brother Bhupendranath Dutta. In Raja Rammohan Ray’s home the students came to learn about the Brahmo Samaj, its establishment and ideas of Monotheism. The students were also explained about Ray’s contribution in the Abolition of Sati Act (1929) and his pioneering role in press and individual freedom in India. In Tagore’s house Jorashanko, the students learnt about the international recognition of Rabindranath Tagore as a champion of humanity and human rights. Beyond his contributions as a literary figure, Tagore’s view in the aftermath of the First World War, in the national struggle for Independence were also discussed. The students were informed about his interrogations with Gandhi and Einstein and their significance about civilizations and progress. This field trip was essentially relevant for the students as it was an extension of their theoretical experiences.
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The Department of Political Science organized a Award Distribution Ceremony for the students of Semester VI to recognise their achievements in all types of academic and disciplinary activities during the semester on May 29, 2023, at Jubilee Hall. The proceedings of the prize distribution program were conducted by Amala Dhandhania, Associate Professor, Department of Political …
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