Songs express our feeling vocally but its counterpart in no less, if not better. Dancing so in order to express emotions is the rawest form of communication. Therefore to bring some raw potent energy to the Umang’14 stage, a western dance competition was held to end the day as it started- exhilaratingly. The experts on the judging panel were Mr. Anuj Parekh, Mr. Amit Shaw and Mr. Dorothi Shaw. Twenty-one teams brought forward their routines which were an assemblage of various dance forms, hip-hop in general prevailing over others. If one was tired after the multitudinous events of the day, it is certain that after watching these performances, they were more energized than when they came.
“No one has ever become poor by giving” – The diary of Anne Frank “Happiness doesn’t come as a result from what we get , but from what we give .” When you do things for others, something good happens for you too. Doing a good deed like donating clothes will make you feel good …
The Bhawanipur Education Society College celebrated the 162nd birth anniversary of Rabindranath Tagore on 13th May 2023 (Saturday). It was organized by the Department of Bengali in collaboration with the IQAC. The event commenced with the lighting of the lamp followed by the inaugural song presented by Prof. Pushpita Ganguly, Associate Professor, Department of Statistics. …
“We must all do theatre to find out who we are and to discover who we could become.“ -Augusto Boal Theatre or theater is a collaborative form of performing art that uses live performers, usually actors or actresses, to present the experience of a real or imagined event before a live audience in a specific place, often …
The Department of History, The Bhawanipur Education Society, organized an educational trip to Agra from 13th to 18th April, 2022. Twenty five students of semesters 2, 4 and 6 were accompanied by all the faculty members bringing the total up to thirty three. We departed from Kolkata Station on the afternoon of 13th April and …
Umang 2014: Western Dance
Songs express our feeling vocally but its counterpart in no less, if not better. Dancing so in order to express emotions is the rawest form of communication. Therefore to bring some raw potent energy to the Umang’14 stage, a western dance competition was held to end the day as it started- exhilaratingly. The experts on the judging panel were Mr. Anuj Parekh, Mr. Amit Shaw and Mr. Dorothi Shaw. Twenty-one teams brought forward their routines which were an assemblage of various dance forms, hip-hop in general prevailing over others. If one was tired after the multitudinous events of the day, it is certain that after watching these performances, they were more energized than when they came.
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