B.A/B.Sc Part II (Honours & General) student who are due to appear for Part II Calcutta University Examination as a fresh candidate or having any back paper in Part II or repeating Part II and have done form fill up of their Part II Calcutta University Examination are required to collect their Admit Card on Monday, 22nd May 2017 as per schedule given below.
B.B.A 1st Year Students appearing for Part I Examinations and have done their Calcutta University Examination form fill-up for the same are required to collect their Admit Card from College Ground Floor Office (Room No. – 20) as per schedule in the below link. Check the Web-link ↓ Schedule for B.B.A Part I Calcutta University Examination Admit Card distribution
It is notified for the information of all concerned that the College shall remain closed on the following dates as mentioned in the notice given below. Please check the same. Click the Link ↓ Notice for College Closure
B.Com (both Honours and General) 3rd year students of Afternoon & Evening are to submit their ENVS project file in their respective examination rooms during their Selection Test as per the following schedule Check the web-link → B.Com 3rd Year (Afternoon & Evening) ENVS Project Submission Schedule NOTE: STUDENTS WHO COME WITHOUT THEIR ENVS PROJECT FILES ON …
Schedule for B.A /B.Sc Part II (Honours & General) Calcutta University Examination Admit Card Distribution, 2017
B.A/B.Sc Part II (Honours & General) student who are due to appear for Part II Calcutta University Examination as a fresh candidate or having any back paper in Part II or repeating Part II and have done form fill up of their Part II Calcutta University Examination are required to collect their Admit Card on Monday, 22nd May 2017 as per schedule given below.
For scheduled Notice check the web-link → B.A/B.Sc Part II CU Admit Card distribution
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