After eight long years, Oracle Red Bull Racing returned to India in 2023. The RBR (Red Bull Racing) is a Formula One racing team, racing under an Austrian license, and is based in the United Kingdom. It is one of two Formula One teams owned by the conglomerate company Red Bull GmbH, the other being Scuderia AlphaTauri. Along with other cities across India, in Kolkata The Bhawanipur Education Society College activated this show run, bringing the Formula 1 simulator to the College to give the students an amazing experience of actually riding an F1 car. After each city declares its fastest timelapse winners each winner will get a sponsored trip to the Mumbai, F1 Showrun. The simulation was announced by Multiple race winner and veritable legend David Coulthard, who is all set to bring the adrenaline-pumping roar of his engine to Mumbai.
More than 100 students registered and took part in this activation, where each student was required to complete two laps. The student who completed those two laps the fastest got the Red Bull Racing Cap. At Bhawanipur, Parthiv Mishra had the fastest time lapse in the F1 simulation of 1.10 seconds & he won the Red Bull Racing Cap. The event was possible because of the initiative taken by the student Nehal Mehta.
An invited lecture on “Inking Ideas Through Digital Marketing In The Age Of 5G” was organized by the Department of Commerce, UG(Afternoon and Evening Section) on the 14th January, 2023 for the students of the Afternoon and Evening Section. The keynote speakers for the invited lecture were Prof. Rohit Ganguly(Assistant Professor, Department of Media Science, …
Name of the Activity: The Department of History conducted its Annual Student Seminar entitled Secessionism in the Modern World on Saturday, 11th May, 2024. Type of Activity: The Activity was Annual Student Seminar which is conducted annually by the Department to encourage students to think independently, to inculcate skills necessary for a researcher. Date/ Duration …
The Bhawanipur Educational Society College science collective Phenomenon organized a group discussion on ‘Interstellar’ which took place on March 29, 2022, at the Society Hall of the college from 1 p.m. to 3 p.m. There were over 50+ students who came to be a part of the event. Covid guidelines and they were seated maintaining …
A field trip was organized by the Departments of Sociology and Political Science for the students of semester 5 and 3, respectively, on December 03, 2022. A total number of 80 students accompanied by 14 teachers visited 3 museums of Kolkata—Swami Vivekananda’s ancestral home, Raja Rammohan Roy’s ancestral home and Rabindranath Tagore’s ancestral home. As …
Oracle Red Bull Racing
After eight long years, Oracle Red Bull Racing returned to India in 2023. The RBR (Red Bull Racing) is a Formula One racing team, racing under an Austrian license, and is based in the United Kingdom. It is one of two Formula One teams owned by the conglomerate company Red Bull GmbH, the other being Scuderia AlphaTauri. Along with other cities across India, in Kolkata The Bhawanipur Education Society College activated this show run, bringing the Formula 1 simulator to the College to give the students an amazing experience of actually riding an F1 car. After each city declares its fastest timelapse winners each winner will get a sponsored trip to the Mumbai, F1 Showrun. The simulation was announced by Multiple race winner and veritable legend David Coulthard, who is all set to bring the adrenaline-pumping roar of his engine to Mumbai.
More than 100 students registered and took part in this activation, where each student was required to complete two laps. The student who completed those two laps the fastest got the Red Bull Racing Cap. At Bhawanipur, Parthiv Mishra had the fastest time lapse in the F1 simulation of 1.10 seconds & he won the Red Bull Racing Cap. The event was possible because of the initiative taken by the student Nehal Mehta.
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Report on the Departmental Annual Students’ Seminar: ‘Secessionism in the Modern World’ by the History Department
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Group Discussion On Interstellar
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Field Trip report
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