The stock market never ceases to fascinate the BE-ites. Successive generations of BESC students have built their careers – not to mention fortune and fame – with almost everyone having dabbled in it at some point in their lives or the other. The dynamics of the market, the desire to read the tealeaves to predict its moves and the yearning to understand what makes commodities, stocks and indices to act I the ways they do have been and continues to be a reigning, all-pervasive passion.
To meet this unquenchable thirst and expose the students to the fundamental and technical reasons that sway the markets a four-day seminar was organised by the Bhawanipur Education Society College (BESC) from the 12 th to the 16th of September 2017. The Seminar, a part of the Commerce Plus initiative of BESC, was spearheaded by Dr Divyesh Shah, Coordinator of the Morning Commerce Section of BESC, both recognised market experts, exponents of the fine art of stock picking.
Acknowledged functionaries, approached the markets from their respective fields of excellence and provided the 100 assembled students with rare insights into the working of the markets, taking up market events and explaining the underlying reasons for the particular way the scrips, indices and the market reacted to them.
Pankaj Gupta from the HDFC Bank began the proceedings making a forceful case for investment in equities. Explaining how equities are, perhaps the best hedge against inflation, he dwelled at length on Equity Mutual Funds, on how to maximise one’s returns on investment by picking up the right equity horses to back and related topics. His deliberations were followed by a lively interactive session in which all the doubts clouding the potential market wizards were cleared.
Anirban Dutta, a professional advisor took the students on a fundamental journey on the second day of the conference, explaining how the fundamentals can help one arrive at the real value of securities, thereby act as an invaluable tool in moulding investment decisions. Scrip prices reflect their values – real, perceived, or even mistaken, he pointed out, as he urged students to become value investors.
Chetan Panchamia conducted the proceedings on the third day of the conference, deliberating on the markets, explaining in great detail about their working and the dynamics involved. He also spoke at length about the quiet transformations that are taking place so far as the markets are concerned and exposed students to the impending introduction of crypto currencies – the proposed unveiling of Bitcoin Lakshmi b the RBI – that have the potential of becoming game changers.
Suchi Agarwal took the students on a journey into the adrenalin pumping journey into the world of technical analysis on the final day. Explaining the basic concepts of how the charts can foretell the future and how Big Data and advanced analytics can be harnessed to predict the movement of scrip prices, she explained the efficacies of technical analysis, delving deep into the art of identifying emerging trends and the ability to ride them to prosperity.
Key takeaway from the event? That the dynamics of the markets is not merely about making monies – it is as exciting as a matter of pure academic interest, as a passion that is all pervading. The Money that one makes, is just the by-product of the involvement, the sheer pleasure that is derived and the euphoria of predicting things as they happen.
This report has been filed by Deblina Mukherjee with camera person Sirazuddin of the Expressions Collective of the BESC.
On 10th March, The Bhawanipur Education Society College organised a language proficiency event for be-ites. The session began around 10:30 am. Priyamvada Agarwal, Manish Goyal and Sayantan Ghoshal came as the chief guest who were the in-charge at the prestigious institutions for IELTS and TOEFL preparation respectively. The event was divided into two slots 10:30am-1pm …
“Words are powerful,they can create or they can destroy. So choose your words wisely.” The Department of Management of TheBhawanipur Education Society College today inaugurated the first ever scrabble competition. A total number of 40 students participated comprising of 1st, 2nd and 3rd years. The partakers exhibited zest of competitive spirit. This game is an …
Heroes do not always come with a cape to rescue the victim, sometimes they donate blood. A drop of blood has the power of saving one precious life. And when it comes to the cause of doing some social service the Bhawanipur Education Society College has never retreated. On 31st August, 2019 a Blood Donation Carnival …
On Tuedsay, September 17, 2019, Dona Ganguly and Karan Vora, from the Political Science department, took 17 students of The Bhawanipur Education Society College to participate in the Youth Parliament Competition and Quiz Contest Programme organized by the Ministry of Parliamentary Affairs and Department of Higher Education, Government of West Bengal. The proceedings …
Dynamics of the Capital Market
The stock market never ceases to fascinate the BE-ites. Successive generations of BESC students have built their careers – not to mention fortune and fame – with almost everyone having dabbled in it at some point in their lives or the other. The dynamics of the market, the desire to read the tealeaves to predict its moves and the yearning to understand what makes commodities, stocks and indices to act I the ways they do have been and continues to be a reigning, all-pervasive passion.
To meet this unquenchable thirst and expose the students to the fundamental and technical reasons that sway the markets a four-day seminar was organised by the Bhawanipur Education Society College (BESC) from the 12 th to the 16th of September 2017. The Seminar, a part of the Commerce Plus initiative of BESC, was spearheaded by Dr Divyesh Shah, Coordinator of the Morning Commerce Section of BESC, both recognised market experts, exponents of the fine art of stock picking.
Acknowledged functionaries, approached the markets from their respective fields of excellence and provided the 100 assembled students with rare insights into the working of the markets, taking up market events and explaining the underlying reasons for the particular way the scrips, indices and the market reacted to them.
Pankaj Gupta from the HDFC Bank began the proceedings making a forceful case for investment in equities. Explaining how equities are, perhaps the best hedge against inflation, he dwelled at length on Equity Mutual Funds, on how to maximise one’s returns on investment by picking up the right equity horses to back and related topics. His deliberations were followed by a lively interactive session in which all the doubts clouding the potential market wizards were cleared.
Anirban Dutta, a professional advisor took the students on a fundamental journey on the second day of the conference, explaining how the fundamentals can help one arrive at the real value of securities, thereby act as an invaluable tool in moulding investment decisions. Scrip prices reflect their values – real, perceived, or even mistaken, he pointed out, as he urged students to become value investors.
Chetan Panchamia conducted the proceedings on the third day of the conference, deliberating on the markets, explaining in great detail about their working and the dynamics involved. He also spoke at length about the quiet transformations that are taking place so far as the markets are concerned and exposed students to the impending introduction of crypto currencies – the proposed unveiling of Bitcoin Lakshmi b the RBI – that have the potential of becoming game changers.
Suchi Agarwal took the students on a journey into the adrenalin pumping journey into the world of technical analysis on the final day. Explaining the basic concepts of how the charts can foretell the future and how Big Data and advanced analytics can be harnessed to predict the movement of scrip prices, she explained the efficacies of technical analysis, delving deep into the art of identifying emerging trends and the ability to ride them to prosperity.
Key takeaway from the event? That the dynamics of the markets is not merely about making monies – it is as exciting as a matter of pure academic interest, as a passion that is all pervading. The Money that one makes, is just the by-product of the involvement, the sheer pleasure that is derived and the euphoria of predicting things as they happen.
This report has been filed by Deblina Mukherjee with camera person Sirazuddin of the Expressions Collective of the BESC.
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