The Bhawanipur Education Society College organised a thrilling and extremely informative inaugural session on 5th of August, 2015. An amazing two – hour session, which included activities like quizzing and one-on-one interaction on Stock Market with the Dean of Students Affairs, Prof. Dilip Shah and the teacher coordinator, Prof. Vijay Kothari. The students were on the edge of their seats throughout the session.
Activities were planned by the student volunteers which included; dividing students into groups named after leading Indian companies and were seated accordingly. They were then asked to note down the opening and the closing prices of that respective company shares that beamed on the screen and comprehend the trend. It was followed by a quiz contest, distributing chocolate the correct answers winners.
Overall, the response was engaging and participating. The BULLS of the BULL’S EYE Club are eagerly waiting for their next meeting which will “demystify” their stock market queries and help them shape their investing techniques.
It is hereby notified to all students that the 4-days Annual Inter College festival ‘UMANG 75+25’ is to be held on the 26th-27th-28th & 29th of December 2022 at the College premises. You are required to register through the Google form (the link of the same is given below) in order to get the UMANG …
“Lata is legendary …Lata is larger than life … Lata is infinite thus Lata is Anant”. The Crescendo collective of the Bhawanipur Educational Society College held a teary tribute on February 12, to the prodigious artiste who was certainly no less than an institution in herself, to acknowledge and applaud the distinguished efforts. The Nightingale …
“Mergers are like marriages. They are the bringing together of two companies” – Simon Sinek On 28th February 2022, The Department of Commerce of The Bhawanipur Education Society College organised Merger & Amalgamation – The Game Changer – an Inter College case study competition. The colleges invited were Seth Anandram Jaipuria college, THK Jain College, …
The Faculty Development Programme (FDP) envisions the development of faculties and researchers through familiarizing them with recent trends and methodologies of different fields of academia. The Bhawanipur Education Society College has always been keen to reconfigure the perspective of its faculties and students at per development of diverse avenues of knowledge. Recently from 11-20 Dec. …
The Bhawanipur Education Society College organised a thrilling and extremely informative inaugural session on 5th of August, 2015. An amazing two – hour session, which included activities like quizzing and one-on-one interaction on Stock Market with the Dean of Students Affairs, Prof. Dilip Shah and the teacher coordinator, Prof. Vijay Kothari. The students were on the edge of their seats throughout the session.
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Activities were planned by the student volunteers which included; dividing students into groups named after leading Indian companies and were seated accordingly. They were then asked to note down the opening and the closing prices of that respective company shares that beamed on the screen and comprehend the trend. It was followed by a quiz contest, distributing chocolate the correct answers winners.
Overall, the response was engaging and participating. The BULLS of the BULL’S EYE Club are eagerly waiting for their next meeting which will “demystify” their stock market queries and help them shape their investing techniques.
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It is hereby notified to all students that the 4-days Annual Inter College festival ‘UMANG 75+25’ is to be held on the 26th-27th-28th & 29th of December 2022 at the College premises. You are required to register through the Google form (the link of the same is given below) in order to get the UMANG …
Anant Lata
“Lata is legendary …Lata is larger than life … Lata is infinite thus Lata is Anant”. The Crescendo collective of the Bhawanipur Educational Society College held a teary tribute on February 12, to the prodigious artiste who was certainly no less than an institution in herself, to acknowledge and applaud the distinguished efforts. The Nightingale …
Merger & Amalgamation – the Game Changer
“Mergers are like marriages. They are the bringing together of two companies” – Simon Sinek On 28th February 2022, The Department of Commerce of The Bhawanipur Education Society College organised Merger & Amalgamation – The Game Changer – an Inter College case study competition. The colleges invited were Seth Anandram Jaipuria college, THK Jain College, …
FDP on ‘Research in Humanities and Social Sciences: Methodologies, Perspectives, and Dialogue’
The Faculty Development Programme (FDP) envisions the development of faculties and researchers through familiarizing them with recent trends and methodologies of different fields of academia. The Bhawanipur Education Society College has always been keen to reconfigure the perspective of its faculties and students at per development of diverse avenues of knowledge. Recently from 11-20 Dec. …