B.Com./ B.A./ B.Sc. Students who have done their Semester II Calcutta University Examination, 2023 Form Fill-up (to appear as a whole or in failed paper/s), need to collect their Examination Admit Card in order to appear for the said examination. Check the link below for the distribution schedule.
Semester II Calcutta University Examination, 2023 Admit Cards will be distributed for B.A./ B.Sc. on 22/08/2023 & for B.Com. on 23/08/2023 from Valia Hall (Ground Floor, College Campus) as per the schedule given in the below link.
Upon clicking on the above mentioned link, provide your 10-digit College UID & click on Submit button to check your schedule.
Please follow the Important Instructions in order to collect examination admit card:
1. It is mandatory to strictly follow the allotted date & time slot at the venue as given above.
2. It is mandatory for students to bring the Valid college ID card in order to collect the Examination Admit Card.
3. It is mandatory for Semester II students to show the schedule allotment screen at the entrance gate of the distribution venue along with your College ID card. It is recommended that you take a screenshot of the schedule screen. (Screenshot must include Name, UID, CU Roll number, allotted counter & schedule).
B.Com./ B.A./ B.Sc. Semester II students who were unable to collect their Calcutta University Examination, 2023 Admit Card on the previously allotted schedule, can collect the same from Ground Floor College Office (Room No. 28) on any days (except holidays) between 10:00 am to 01:00 pm & 02:00 pm to 04:30 pm before the examination.
Part II students who have given their Part I Examination for failed paper/s in year 2018 and cleared it are hereby informed to collect their Calcutta University Part-II (Honours/General) Consolidated PNC cleared Mark-sheet of B.Com. from Ground Floor College Office (Room No.- 20) between 11:00 am to 01:00 pm and 02:30 pm to 04:30 pm on any …
It is hereby notified to all the students of B.Com. (Honours & General) that their Internal Assessment Examination (IAE), 2020-21 of Semester II/ IV/ VI (under CBCS) will be commencing from Thursday, 22nd July 2021 in On-line mode. The revised schedule for the same is given below. Click the link below for Internal Assessment Examination …
M.Com. & M.A. (English) Semester I Students (admitted in session 2023-24) are hereby informed that their Calcutta University Registration procedure has started. The last date to complete the procedure for M.A. (English) & M.Com. is Saturday, 2nd December 2023 & Monday, 4th December 2023 respectively. The detailed procedure to complete the Registration from the Calcutta …
B.Com./ B.A./ B.Sc. Students who have done their Semester II Calcutta University Examination, 2023 Form Fill-up (to appear as a whole or in failed paper/s), need to collect their Examination Admit Card in order to appear for the said examination. Check the link below for the distribution schedule.
Semester II Calcutta University Examination, 2023 Admit Cards will be distributed for B.A./ B.Sc. on 22/08/2023 & for B.Com. on 23/08/2023 from Valia Hall (Ground Floor, College Campus) as per the schedule given in the below link.
Click here for B.Com./ B.A./ B.Sc. Semester II Calcutta University Examination, 2023 Admit Card Distribution Schedule
Upon clicking on the above mentioned link, provide your 10-digit College UID & click on Submit button to check your schedule.
Please follow the Important Instructions in order to collect examination admit card:
1. It is mandatory to strictly follow the allotted date & time slot at the venue as given above.
2. It is mandatory for students to bring the Valid college ID card in order to collect the Examination Admit Card.
3. It is mandatory for Semester II students to show the schedule allotment screen at the entrance gate of the distribution venue along with your College ID card. It is recommended that you take a screenshot of the schedule screen. (Screenshot must include Name, UID, CU Roll number, allotted counter & schedule).
B.Com./ B.A./ B.Sc. Semester II students who were unable to collect their Calcutta University Examination, 2023 Admit Card on the previously allotted schedule, can collect the same from Ground Floor College Office (Room No. 28) on any days (except holidays) between 10:00 am to 01:00 pm & 02:00 pm to 04:30 pm before the examination.
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