This is for the information of all concerned that as per the directive of the University of Calcutta, the Internal Assessment Examination 2024 of Semester IV (under CBCS) for B.A. (Honours) courses of studies will be conducted by the College in OFFLINE MODE. The schedule of the examination is as follows:
1. Students must carry their Internal Assessment Examination Admit Card & valid College ID Card.
2. Students need to report at the examination venue 15 minutes prior to the allotted examination time. No entry to the examination hall will be permitted after 15 minutes from the commencement of the examination.
3. Incase, if you are facing any problem in the admit card generation procedure even after following the above mentioned process, please click on the link given below and fill up the required details to inform the same. The below given google form is only accessible through your Institutional Email ID.
It is hereby notified that the students who have taken admission in M.Com. (in collaboration with ACCA) in the Academic Year 2017 will have an Examination of all failed papers as per the schedule given in the link below. You are advised to contact the M.Com. Department, Room No. 524 (5th Floor) between 11:00 am …
B.Com./ B.A./ B.Sc. Semester IV Calcutta University Examination, 2021 Form Fill-up procedure will be held from 13/07/2021 to 19/07/2021 till 12:00 noon. This form fill-up is applicable for the students who will be appearing for Semester IV (as a whole or having fail paper/s) Calcutta University Examination, 2021. Online form generation procedure from Calcutta University …
It is hereby notified to all the students that the college will be closed for holidays on Saturday, January 6, 2024, and Monday, January 8, 2024. Please be noted that Semester V Calcutta University Examination, 2023 form fill-up processes will continue as informed earlier. Regular college and academic activities are set to resume on Tuesday, …
This is for the information of all concerned that as per the directive of the University of Calcutta, the Internal Assessment Examination 2024 of Semester IV (under CBCS) for B.A. (Honours) courses of studies will be conducted by the College in OFFLINE MODE. The schedule of the examination is as follows:
Check the links below
B.A. Semester IV Internal Assessment Examination 2024 Schedule
B.A. Semester IV Internal Assessment Examination Admit Card Generation Procedure
Please Note:
1. Students must carry their Internal Assessment Examination Admit Card & valid College ID Card.
2. Students need to report at the examination venue 15 minutes prior to the allotted examination time. No entry to the examination hall will be permitted after 15 minutes from the commencement of the examination.
3. Incase, if you are facing any problem in the admit card generation procedure even after following the above mentioned process, please click on the link given below and fill up the required details to inform the same. The below given google form is only accessible through your Institutional Email ID.
Click here to fill-up the Google form to report Admit Card generation issue
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It is hereby notified that the students who have taken admission in M.Com. (in collaboration with ACCA) in the Academic Year 2017 will have an Examination of all failed papers as per the schedule given in the link below. You are advised to contact the M.Com. Department, Room No. 524 (5th Floor) between 11:00 am …
B.Com./ B.A./ B.Sc. Semester IV Calcutta University Examination, 2021 Form Fill-up procedure will be held from 13/07/2021 to 19/07/2021 till 12:00 noon. This form fill-up is applicable for the students who will be appearing for Semester IV (as a whole or having fail paper/s) Calcutta University Examination, 2021. Online form generation procedure from Calcutta University …
It is hereby notified to all the students that the college will be closed for holidays on Saturday, January 6, 2024, and Monday, January 8, 2024. Please be noted that Semester V Calcutta University Examination, 2023 form fill-up processes will continue as informed earlier. Regular college and academic activities are set to resume on Tuesday, …