Internal Complaints Committee
Zero Tolerance towards Sexual Harassment at Workplace
Sexual Harassment at Workplace: (Prevention, Prohibition and Redressal) Act 2013
What is Sexual Harassment?
Sexual harassment includes any unwelcome sexually determined behaviour (whether directly or by implication) as:
- Physical contacts and advances.
- A demand or request for sexual favour.
- Sexually coloured remarks.
- Showing pornography.
- Any other unwelcome physical, verbal or nonverbal conduct of a sexual nature.
Rights of A Working Woman
- Working with dignity in a safe environment.
- Prevention of and protection against sexual harassment.
- Getting a hearing and relief from the complaints committee.
- Seeking their own or their perpetrator’s transfer.
End The Silence!
Report Sexual Harassment at the workplace.
Internal Complaints Committee:
It is hereby notified that as per the resolution adopted in the Governing Body Meeting of 21st December, 2024, Internal Complaints Committee of the college has been reconstituted with effect from the date of notification till further notice. It includes the following members:
Designation | Name of the Members |
Presiding Officer | Dr. Mahua Das (Associate Professor in Resource Studies) |
NGO Representative | Ms. Salony Priya |
Teacher Members | Dr. Dona Ganguly (Assistant Professor, Department of Political Science) Ms. Gargi (Faculty, Department of Commerce) |
Non-Teaching Staff Representative | Mr. Ashish Maitra Ms. Saheli Sarkar (Majumder) |
Student Representative |
The above student’s representative will be valid till December 31, 2025