An Indian crime drama web series showing the story of rags to riches, “SCAM 1992”, the story behind the life of Harshad Mehta – the infamous “Bachchan of BSE”, revolving around the capital market, where companies list their shares and people buy them at the listed price – this is what we all understand but, apart from this the capital market has a much broader scope. The student at the college got a chance to improve their knowledge about capital market at a 4-day workshop from 27th January to 30th January 2021 on the Dynamics of Capital Market.
The first day of the event was taken by Mr. Chetan Panchamia, on the topic, Technical Analysis of the capital market, a trading discipline employed to evaluate investments and identify trading opportunities in price trends and patterns seen on charts, a study in SENSEX.
The second day was about Fundamental Analysis of the Capital Market by Mr. Abhishek Dubey, where he compared the stock market with many real-life examples through which every student was able to understand what Fundamental Analysis meant, furthermore Bull and Bear market were discussed in this session.
The third session was about Futures and Options. Options and Futures are both contracts’ products in the capital market, also known as F&O. This segment was explained by Mr. Chetan Panchamia on the third day of the workshop. The stock market is not only about making money but also about the correct path of making investments and the correct time to invest. It also explains the angle of Financial Planning in the stock market which is very much necessary in the financial market because if we invest correctly, we can get correct outcome, if we assess our risks correctly and consider the situations, we will get a good amount of return. This was the last session, taken by Mr. Tapas Saha.
The 4-day workshop was interactive and beneficial for the students. Many doubts were raised by students which were answered in a very effective way by the distinguished speakers of the workshop. This workshop was a journey to the capital market attended by around 60 students. The workshop was conducted online on Zoom and was hosted by Aditi Sinolia.
In the ever-evolving landscape of corporate dynamics, the position of CEO stands as a pinnacle of achievement, embodying leadership, vision, and strategic acumen. The Bhawanipur Education Society College recently hosted a seminal seminar, inviting two distinguished alumni from IIT-BHU, Mr. Siddharth Malik, a luminary in the realm of education and corporate leadership, Center Director of …
The JMC batch of 2020-23 visited the AIR (All India Radio) office at the Akashvani Bhawan, Kolkata on the 6th and 7th of December, 2022. The students were accompanied by the professors. We were shown the basic functioning of the radio in Kolkata along with the frequencies associated with AIR, the different departments, and lastly …
One thousand and four hundred students taking a test. No big deal. But One thousand and four hundred students taking a test that will not lead them to a degree or certificate? One thousand and four hundred students taking a test that has not been forced on them by the authorities? One thousand and four …
On September 16th, 2023, The Bhawanipur Education Society College, ushered yet another gathering of literary enthusiasts and Wordsworths, featuring Mrs. Meena Chaturvedi, author of ‘Sneh Spandan’ & Mrs. Champa Srinivasan, author of ‘Jar of Marbles’, who also happens to be a faculty member of BESC under the Department of B. Com Hons (Morning Batch). The …
47000 What Next? Workshop on Dynamics of Capital Market
47,000 What’s Next?
An Indian crime drama web series showing the story of rags to riches, “SCAM 1992”, the story behind the life of Harshad Mehta – the infamous “Bachchan of BSE”, revolving around the capital market, where companies list their shares and people buy them at the listed price – this is what we all understand but, apart from this the capital market has a much broader scope. The student at the college got a chance to improve their knowledge about capital market at a 4-day workshop from 27th January to 30th January 2021 on the Dynamics of Capital Market.
The first day of the event was taken by Mr. Chetan Panchamia, on the topic, Technical Analysis of the capital market, a trading discipline employed to evaluate investments and identify trading opportunities in price trends and patterns seen on charts, a study in SENSEX.
The second day was about Fundamental Analysis of the Capital Market by Mr. Abhishek Dubey, where he compared the stock market with many real-life examples through which every student was able to understand what Fundamental Analysis meant, furthermore Bull and Bear market were discussed in this session.
The third session was about Futures and Options. Options and Futures are both contracts’ products in the capital market, also known as F&O. This segment was explained by Mr. Chetan Panchamia on the third day of the workshop. The stock market is not only about making money but also about the correct path of making investments and the correct time to invest. It also explains the angle of Financial Planning in the stock market which is very much necessary in the financial market because if we invest correctly, we can get correct outcome, if we assess our risks correctly and consider the situations, we will get a good amount of return. This was the last session, taken by Mr. Tapas Saha.
The 4-day workshop was interactive and beneficial for the students. Many doubts were raised by students which were answered in a very effective way by the distinguished speakers of the workshop. This workshop was a journey to the capital market attended by around 60 students. The workshop was conducted online on Zoom and was hosted by Aditi Sinolia.
Event Reported by Sarthak Wadhwa, Aryan Nolkha
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